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Motion Design and Animation Services

At Pipeline Digital, we specialise in Motion Design and animation services that takes the user experience throughout your clients’ online journey to the next level. We believe in using exciting visual material to leave a lasting impact on your customers.

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Let's talk about your next motion design project

Discover how motion design and animation can enhance your marketing materials and boost revenue growth today! Chat with Pete through our easy-to-reach contact form.

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Value of using animation in your communications

By incorporating animation and motion into your marketing content, you not only amplify your message but also strengthen your ability to connect with your target audience and boost conversions. Appealing to your audience emotionally increases their willingness to engage organically with your business, which is exactly what we want!

Animation, motion, and YouTube search popularity in marketing

Animation and motion gained popularity in marketing long before TikTok's rise as a user-driven video platform. YouTube's search function is increasingly relied upon in more and more countries, surpassing Google Search results.

Facebook's video content boosts sales and marketing success

Since Facebook embraced video content in posts, updates, and promotional materials for campaigns and brand marketing, motion-infused content has been capturing people's attention. This trend has played a crucial role in boosting sales and marketing efforts.

Lights, Camera, Sales! Animation and Video Seal the Deal

The true value of animation and video lies in their capacity to convey a wealth of information. Using animation and video in your inbound marketing communications can help convert leads into sales; especially in later sales funnel stages.

Videos and motion design are the way forward

In today’s fast-paced marketing world, forging emotional connections between brands and consumers is an absolute must. It’s all about adding genuine value to people’s lives, and that’s where effective marketing steps in.

These dynamic tools take your brand’s storytelling game to a whole new level. By incorporating video into your marketing communications, you can expand your reach and clearly convey your brand’s message online. Hold on tight because when you infuse some captivating motion into the mix, you’re not just hitting objectives, you’re surpassing them!

What are you waiting for? Get moving!

“Motion graphics in particular are seeing a huge boom — and it’s no wonder, considering that they can help businesses grow revenue 49% faster. Yet despite the proven effectiveness of motion graphics, many marketers still aren’t using them to their fullest potential.”

– Erin McCoy, Forbes Councils Member of the Forbes Communications Council

Whether you opt for professionally filmed videos with eye-catching motion graphics or captivating fully animated explainer videos, motion breathes life into your message. It empowers you to present your offerings in a visually appealing and compelling manner that deeply resonates with viewers. Get ready to captivate your audience like never before!

Animation projects

Check out our most recent Motion and Animation projects.

Providing Digital Solutions for SMBs

We’re all about delivering top-notch, personalised services to a select group of clients, and building long-term relationships based on trust and mutual respect. As motion design enthusiasts, we embrace the modern collaborative working style that drives our industry. That’s why we’re thrilled by how motion design have revolutionised productivity in our business through their captivating visuals and engaging storytelling. Join us in this transformation and discover the power of motion design.

Get in touch with us

Book your free 30-minute consultation with Pete today.

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