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Did you know Google Chat can Do This? It’s really cool!

In case you didn’t already know Google Workspace and Chats are able to use 3rd party Chat apps in their Chats. This means that other programs that aren’t linked directly to Google Workspace can still communicate with you within your direct messages. So instead of having to switch between windows, all chat and communication pop up in the same place. It’s fantastic, you won’t miss something ever again.

What is it that’s new?

Manually installing your own chat apps for use in direct messages was so last month. Overall it’s a hassle; everyone has to be notified about a new chat app to download, admin has to follow up to make sure everyone has done it, some people still take their time downloading it… you see where we’re going with this. But no more! Admins can now install Chat apps for DMs for us. This means everyone will be notified immediately when an app has been installed, enabled and ready to use. One less thing for everyone else to worry about!

Admins can install chat apps as needed. It can be for a whole domain, OU or group of users. How? By using the Workspace Marketplace Apps Management Controls. End users can still download chat apps from Chat, but currently, installation from Workspace Marketplace isn’t available for them.

Why do we want it?
Not only is it one less thing to worry about, but this will allow your company to run seamlessly without missing a beat. No more snags waiting on everyone to download it themselves. Seeing that admin has control over what gets installed, end users won’t be able to accidentally uninstall Chat apps themselves. They can, however, switch off the notifications.

When can we get it?
Rapid and scheduled release domains will have an extended rollout starting on March 29, 2023. This will be for all Google Workspaces except for non-profits and personal Gmail accounts. Once Admins can install chat apps for DMs keep an eye out for a company productivity increase!

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